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roomMaster Cloud Ideas

Rate Management

Showing 5 of 139

Premium rooms to auto float with standard pricing

It is very time consuming to build rate seasons for every roomtype, especially in a very dynamic market. Currently if a hotel has 8 roomtypes, we are building 5-6 roomtype lines for every season. Then having to adjust every line during any rate ch...
Guest 9 months ago in Rate Management 0 Needs review

A Room Type Change should result in a Rate Change with that Rate Code

When checking a guest in - if they change their mind on what room type they want - and we change the room type - the corresponding rate should change for that room with the same corresponding rate code. We just had a situation where a guest wanted...
Guest over 1 year ago in Rate Management 0 Needs review

Rate Code Integrity.

The ability to change the rate on a rate code without losing the code. Your yielding/change option works sometimes - but not with all situations. Also, it seems that if the room is in for more than 4 days - it will not let you use the yielding opt...
Guest over 1 year ago in Rate Management 0 Needs review

Delete Override Rate Function

Please make the over-ride rate function go away. It makes all integrity with a rate code disappear. Instead create a Rate Variance Report. Any rate that is changed will be reflected in a Rate Variance Report that can be viewed daily by management ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Rate Management 0 Needs review

Package Roll Up

Currently when you create a special package that does not include room rate, such as a Romance package, that has different parts, Liquor, chocolate, tip etc., when you choose package rollup, it rolls up into the room rate not just into the package...
Dawn Milbury about 1 year ago in Rate Management 0 Needs review