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roomMaster Cloud Ideas

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Showing 124

Create Group Blocks by Room Number per date "Very Important"

We need to be able to book group blocks on a "daily basis" by "room number". Currently, we can create a group block by room type and choose how many of each type we want in the block per day. Can we please get that same option for creating group b...
Terri Gibson 10 months ago in Group Blocks 0 Needs review

ability to remove credit cards or create a dominant card

you need the ability to remove a card from a reservation or in house folio or at least be able to select which card should be the default card. We had a guest who had a friend call and purchase a cheese platter for them. Now I can not removed the ...
Guest 6 months ago in Front Desk and Reservations 0 Needs review

Save Reservation without exiting the reservation

It is very annoying that you have to say OK to save your reservation - but then it kicks you out of the reservation. There should be a SAVE option and a SAVE & EXIT option. When you go in to make a change on a reservation that is not for the s...
Guest over 1 year ago in Front Desk and Reservations 0 Needs review

Copy & Paste in the the Letter Editor

Since moving to the cloud, we have lost the ability to copy and paste, text and pictures in my HTML letterts, this is extremely time consuming!! and when I want to add a link, it takes forever to write it down, then retype it and get it right in t...
Dawn Milbury about 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Favorites Menu

Can you please make it so that the favorites menu can be extended. Every time you go to your favorites to look for a report, if it past the bottom of the box you can try to scroll down but the box automatically moves to the top of the box. Being a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Front Desk and Reservations 0 Needs review

Actually Export

Can you make it so that reports that you "EXPORT" (that never show up) actual pull into the export folder or open in the app in which you want to view the export as soon as you create it.
Guest about 1 year ago in Interactive SQL 0 Needs review

Ability to "tile" windows

On the on premise roommaster, there is the ability to tile your windows. eg. having the reservations and folios screen up at the same time. This is very helpful to be able to see multiple screens in roommaster at once.
Billy Wolfe about 2 years ago in User Interface 0 Needs review

Swipe/Tap needs to be activated

Manually entering CC in the reservations shouldn't be the only option. It definitely has to be with swipe/tap as well. Manually entering 16 digits is not useful especially when guests are here and the card is present. This is something needs to be...
Guest over 1 year ago in Front Desk and Reservations 0 Needs review

Quick Find Feature on Various Screens

On the reservations screen, there is now the quick Find feature, which would be awesome on other screens such as City Ledger Company Master, Folios, Guest History Details and Guest Profiles.
Guest 2 months ago in User Interface 0 Needs review

Find function

Again, a focus issue. Why is the cursor not focused in the find field? I only use the find function to 'find' stuff so why do I have to click in the find field when pulling the screen up? The same issue is true on the 'Reserve' screen.
Guest over 1 year ago in Front Desk and Reservations 0 Needs review