Be able to look in the future when a guestroom is scheduled for a Full Clean (important with Extended Stay Hotels) Currently - there is no way to look, only the access to change it on a particular day.
Transporting guest's email from reservation to folio, once guest checks in.
Guest's email is transported to guest's profile from reservation. However, is not available in the folio and consequently is not populating in the email form when it's needed.
Add a field for a Housekeeping Staff Gratuity - similar to the Discount Field
We currently have to add a Special Code to a stay and manually calculate a lodging gratuity. Having the field in the Information Screen that tied to the lodging rate would be helpful.
1. Under Reports, can we just type in the name of report and only that report shows up in the results section? Rather than us having to still go and click in tab sections to find that report?